Mintos registration

mintos registration main

I’ve written about how I got to Mintos and why I am using it in How I Started to invest. Today I would like to create a simple tutorial on how to go through Mintos registration process and how to deposit money there while minimizing the transfer fees.

How to Mintos registration:

  1. Go to Mintos and click on Start Investing button
  2. A contact form will open. Just fill in your information mintos registration
  3. Once you hit the Register button you will be automatically logged into your Account. Don’t forget to check your email and read the informative mail Mintos has sent to you. Once in your account you will have to fill in some additional info about you. registration finished
  4. After you fill in all additional info you can proceed to the final step of registration and that is choosing currency for investing (most loans are issued in EUR, however you can also invest in many others – BGP, RUB, PLN, CZK, SEK and others). I choose to send money in CZK as I thought it will be the cheapest option. Although I didn’t pay any transfer fees (Mintos has account in many countries/currencies so you don’t have to make transfer abroad), I had to change the money to EUR once they arrived to my account. To minimize the fees you have to pay for transfer/exchange I recommend using Transferwise. It has very intuitive and easy to use page or you can read more about it heredeposit funds
  5. At this point you successfully finished the Mintos registration process and can start building your own portfolio of investments. Good luck!

How to deposit money to your account:

I will talk about it more in this article Minimize fees while sending money abroad but I can only recommend Transferwise as you can immediately see which exchange rate are you getting and that rate is frozen for the transaction. Unlikely in bank you never know what the rate will be at the time when your transaction is being executed. You can also try immediately input how much would you get if you send the money with current exchange rate in widget on the right side.

Start investing on Mintos now and get 1% extra

Next step:

Read how I see Mintos now, after 7 months of investing 


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