Investing summary 2019 May

Mintos summary

Investing summary 2019 May

After a long pause, I decided to continue with this series “Investing summary” in 2019. When I started with it in February 2018, I thought it would be great to document my way of passive income/investing on my Mintos account. Mintos was my only investing platform back then and even now, it plays a major role in my personal portfolio. What I didn’t know back than is, that passive investing isn’t the most joyful thing in the world. With all the pre-screening and auto-investing, I visit all my Investment platforms once a month to see, how well did my investments perform. And the most entertaining thing was to capture my monthly results into excel spreadsheet (which I still love!).

P2P Loans

Mintos summary

So how well did my Mintos portfolio performed in May 2019? My autoinvest still avoids the super high yielding loans. Those are the most risky and I don’t want that in my portfolio. I instead go for the mid-yielding loans from reliable loan originators, such as Mogo or ID Finance. Return of investment in May 2019 was 11,40% which is great. Considering that I spend less than 10 minutes on Mintos platform during May. I set up my auto invest by these automated investment strategies.

Gain 1% EXTRA on Mintos

Mintos Summary May 2019

Fast Invest summary

I created a new investors account on Fast Invest last month. To diversify my portfolio a bit and try a different investing platform. So far I received few payments and interest and everything looks good. I wouldn’t invest a whole lot of money to Fast Invest, yet, as Mintos seems just much more stable and reliable platform. Good thing about Fast Invest is their simple UI and minimal investment starting only on 1€. So you can diversify even small portfolio – make it safer.

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P2P Real Estates – Crowdestate summary

My Real Estates portfolio performs better and smoother than I expected. Payments from Crowdestate are always on time, everything is fine. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous before starting investing into Real Estates projects, because I didn’t know much about it. With the detailed analysis each project on Crowdestate has, investor can see all the details and inside info about the actual project. Two of the developer project are already successfully finished and this is the rest of my portfolio on Crowdestate.
Crowdestate Summary May 2019

Start investing


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